Tag Archive: masagos zulkifli

MUIS Asatizahs Must Step Up And Guide Community, Stop Remaining Silent

Minister Masagos’ comments are of concern. Firstly, saying that raising issues like the tudung would ‘easily lead us to open old wounds that can instigate riots’ , to our minds, smacks of fear-mongering. What evidence is there that a rational…
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Masagos Zulkifli: Religion Must Be Practised Based On Local Context

Religion must be practised in context and Muslim scholars here understand how certain religious teachings should be taught in Singapore’s context, said Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli. In an exclusive interview with Malay-language current affairs programme…
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Masagos Bantu Yaacob Ibrahim Dalam Hal Ehwal Melayu/Islam

ENCIK Masagos Zulkifli Masagos Mohamad berkata beliau mahu menggunakan infrastruktur yang tersedia seperti Muis dan Mendaki bagi mendekati dan membantu masyarakat Melayu/Islam Singapura menangani cabaran dari dunia luar seperti fahaman ekstremis. “Saya telah lama membantu pemerintah mengatasi masalah fahaman ekstremis…
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Syed Danial: Damanhuri Abas Has The Moral Courage To Be Upfront On Issues Affecting The Malay-Muslim Community

The GRC concept has attained its goal of ensuring minority representation in parliament. In the sense there are roughly a proportionate representation of the SG population in parliament that belongs to the minority races. But that’s where it ends. For…
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Masagos Zulkifli: Sifat Toleransi Antara 3 Isu Yang Harus Ditekankan Pemimpin Melayu/Islam

Menteri di Pejabat Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Kedua Ehwal Luar dan Dalam Negeri, Masagos Zulkifli berkata beliau akan terus memberi tumpuan untuk memenuhi kepentingan budaya dan agama para penduduk. Beliau juga yakin para penduduk Melayu/Islam akan memilih kepimpinan yang dapat…
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