Tag Archive: PinkDot

Homosexuals are Delusional

  I spent some time reading the posts on a gay group. Sadly I am beginning to realize… They are all delusional. They have perverted sense of what is right. They all have this mentality that their “love” is bigger…
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Perlukah Kempen Pakai Baju Putih Untuk Tangani Isu LBGT dan PinkDot?

Salam Apa ada pada warna? Berbaju puteh bukan bermakna kita suci dan bersih dari sebarang dosa.. Dan berbaju pink tidak bermakna, kotor dan jijik… Pelajar-pelajar Madrasah AlMaarif hari2 menggunakan warna pink dan putih? Adakah bermakna mereka menyokong LBGT dan pink dot…
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Time For SG Muslims To Break Free from MUIS

Dear R1C, I have been keeping watch on the recent developments in the Muslim community pertaining to several important issues like the halal certification matters, MUIS’s flaccid performance on hijab issue, and zero counter measures on Pink Dot SG event…
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WEAR WHITE ON TAUBAHCALL DAY: 1st Day of Ramadhan – 28 June 2014

Assalamualaikum wr wb, Bismillah, walhamdulillah, the blessed month of Ramadan is just around the corner, if Allah wills, it will descend on the night of 28th of June around 7pm+. We ask Allah that He allow us to be among…
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A letter to Muslimah Sister Regarding her Support for PinkDotSG2014

Dear R1C, This letter is dedicated to Miss Adee Sardali, the lady clad in tudung or hijab as seen in the Pinkdot video 2014. ——– Dear sister in Islam who has a beautiful name Adee Sardali. I may not know…
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