Tag Archive: WP

Muslim in SAF: “This Promotion Recognise the Efforts of People Who Had Supported Me”

SLTC (NS) Abu Bakar (Centre) shares his thoughts on his promotion, “ I am very grateful with the recognition given to me, it’s not only about me, as this promotion is to recognise the efforts of people who had supported…
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Muslim SAF Officer Motivates New Recruits

2LT Khabir Ashraf Bin Mohamed Sultan was enlisted in 2012 to the Obese Basic Military Training (BMT). He excelled in BMT and was posted to Officer Cadet School (OCS). He is now a Platoon Commander (PC) at BMTC handling the…
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WP Malay-Muslim MP Supports Wear White

The Wear White campaign got a ringing endorsement from Workers Party MP Faisal Abdul Manap! His photo was uploaded on the Wear White Facebook page with him standing beside another Wear White supporter. https://www.facebook.com/wearwhitesg/photos/pb.639032632854739.-2207520000.1403974152./650882588336410/?type=1&theater MP Faisal’s support for Wear White…
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Malays in SAF: Be The Change You Wish To See In This World

And so, my clarifying post had ended up being shared on two pages: Fabrications About the PAP (FAP), and Rilek1corner (R1C). Whilst the FAP drew positive comments, reinforced with even further proof and testimonials from people that actually served in…
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Malays are Holding Key Appointments in MINDEF and SAF

There still exist, in e larger community, the misconception that Malays do not hold Key Appointments in e Military. And Malays are passed over when it comes to Promotion and consideration for sensitive appointments. In many cases, all these hearsay…
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