Muslim converts to Catholic

Semoga Allah memberikan pedoman kepada mereka yang tersesat jalan.


I am a born Muslim and now in the journey of getting myself baptized in the Catholic faith. I went through many years of hesitations and I’ve finally find myself at peace with the catholic faith. I’m hoping that everyone around would assist me in this journey towards the path of god. I’ve received my calling and I’ve felt god in ways I’m unable to describe. I want to build a relationship with god and not fear him. But as I go more in depth in the catholic faith, I realize that the transition from being a Muslim to a Catholic is not easy. I’ve receive my share of trials and challenges. My dear brother/sister, are you able to assist me with the following queries:

• How discreet would me as a convert be between my family and me? I do not want to disclose any information regarding my faith to my family yet as I do not wish to jeopardize my close knit relationship with my mother. I understand that its not easy for any Muslim parent to be able to receive the news but I’m head strong with my decision in my faith. I believe I’m past the legal age to make my own decision and I do have my legal rights to keep this matter from them. I love my family but I’m loving god more.

• How do I go about this journey legally? I’ve heard from past converts that MUIS will want to meet me personally for a few counseling sessions – is this true?

Isaac Cassanova


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