If he truly is a leader and if he really cares about Singapore, then Lee Hsien Loong must make the ultimate sacrifice and step down as PM.
Singapore has been dragged through the mud by the dispute. Enough is enough.
If there was no wrongdoing on the part of the government and there was no abuse of power, then Lee Hsien Loong must do the honourable thing and resign. He can take his siblings to court as a private citizen and defend his own integrity. Keep it a family matter.
What’s there to be afraid of? He won’t be PM for much longer.
Who will step up? Everyone’s favourite Tharman already ruled himself out. Heng Swee Keat dropped out of the running after his stroke. Ong Ye Kung is still in his first term as MP and Minister.
Who else is ready? And can Singaporeans accept Chan Chun Sing or Lawrence Wong as PM? It cannot get any worse than what it is now. Singapore needs to move on. The ball is in Lee Hsien Loong’s court.
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